In a land blessed by the long white cloud, a magnificent kingdom lay nestled amidst rolling hills and lush forests. This kingdom, known as Aotearoa “Three humble pilgrims, lost and weary, are traveling through the lands beyond your kingdom. They seek wisdom and companionship. Open your heart to them, and you shall receive a great blessing. The pilgrims were a diverse group, each embodying a unique gift. The first was the Koru King, whose presence brought hope to those in need. His gentle demeanour and soothing words uplifted the weary and inspired courage in the hearts of the downtrodden. The second was the Infinity King, a sovereign who offered friendship to all. His kindness knew no bounds, and his presence was a balm to those who sought connection and understanding. The third was the Matau King, a leader whose vision was to bring hope of prosperity for the future. His wisdom and foresight helped communities envision and work towards a brighter tomorrow.